
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Completing the "Ugly Duckling" Project

I completely disassembled both doors to make sure the felt runners were installed properly, the window mechanisms operated smoothly, all the nuts and bolts were properly tightened, and to make sure the weather stripping and window moldings were weather tight.  I also installed a few pieces of Dynamat to muffle  door noises. 

I even installed the factory vapor barriers to protect the door panels. 

This is the door that received the salvaged hockey stick and other trim pieces.  Both doors turned out very nice and they are very solid.  Everything works as it should.

Just inside and behind each door jamb I installed vinyl covered cardboard inserts that cover the B pillars.  They clip to the fiberglass roof trim panel (halo) then...

they fasten to the door jamb with pinch welts.

The pinch welt caps on a 63 are unique because they have 2 screws.  All other C2 Corvettes have 1 screw.

The panels really give a nice finished look to the interior.

Al Knoch Interiors finally came through with the sun visors.  They look great.

Another unique item on a 63 Corvette is the Parking Brake assembly.  The major difference is where the mechanism goes through the firewall.  A 63 uses clips to fasten to the firewall, other years use a bracket with nuts and bolts.  These are very hard to find.   

Looking up and under the car, the emergency brake cable was attached to the e-brake mechanism. 

Here's the Parking Brake in its final location,

I had the seats recovered locally and all I can say is, "wow".

"Final Touch" upholstery did the work.  They thought the Al Knoch leather seat covers were exceptional.

I also had new seat chrome and mounting hardware installed.

The seats complete the interior and...

they complete the entire restoration.  Yes, after 4 years and 3 months, this is it.

I am closing the door on this restoration and calling it done.

So, this posting signals the completion of the "Ugly Duckling" restoration project.  There are still a few parts and pieces that need to be installed but nothing major.  I've had a ton of fun and I know many of you have enjoyed it from the beginning.  If you look at some of the early posts I am sure you'll agree this was an ambitious build.  Ah, the memories.

Our next car show is Hot August Nights in Reno, NV.  Dennis and Annette K. are bringing their Nomad and Gerri and will bring our Corvette.  This will be the first car show where the Corvette will be seen completed.  I will post pictures from Reno and include some interesting information about the build so be sure to watch for that.

So, one more post to go.

As always, thanks for watching. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

# 7 Cylinder and Door Panels

The issue with #7 cylinder has been resolved.  Matt P and John S helped diagnose the issue and we thought it must be either a missing or damaged intake valve stem seal or a bad fuel/injector.  Both were probable, both were wrong.  When the valve cover was removed I found a dislodged rocker at the #7 intake.

The possibility that normal break-in caused this is highly unlikely.  I found out I could turn the rocker nut with just my fingers and that's wrong.  Rocker nuts have crushed ends and require wrenches for installation and removal.  This one had little to no resistance.  I bought all new rocker nuts and replaced all the existing ones.  I paid special attention to the resistance when removing the old ones and I was surprised that several had little resistance.  The new ones are very tight and almost require two hands to tighten.

Lesson Learned:  Always pay attention to rocker nut resistance during installation.

Our cam card specifies .030/.030 lash on the intake/exhaust valves when hot.  Forum discussions on the National Corvette Restorers web page recommends .027/.027 for optimal performance.  Since a cast iron block with cast iron heads is expected to tighten .003 from cold to hot, I set lash at .030 cold.  I started the engine (it ran great), warmed it up, checked lash and sure enough, .027/.027.  I then checked compression and all cylinders were between 190 and 200 PSI.  We're good!

New Topic

I purchased a used passenger door panel on EBay recently.  I needed this panel because I didn't have several trim pieces, specifically, the hockey stick and the stamped steel upper piece (not shown).

These are the pieces I salvaged.  The stamped steel piece on the far left was sand blasted and painted.  The hock stick was fine as is.  The fuzzy window eyebrow piece, far right, was stapled to the stamped steel at the factory.  I have new eyebrows but I don't have a heavy duty stapler.  Humm...

The new eyebrows came with staples so I decided to use them.  I aligned, clamped and drilled the eyebrow then inserted, bent and secured each staple with pliers.

It turned out great.  One down, many to go.  (Note my fancy 4th of July cast)

Here is the completed passenger door.  The new brow is at the top.

I finished both door panels and they turned out very nice.

New Topic

Al Knoch Interiors finally sent all the seat components.  This Thursday I will drop everything off at a local upholstery shop recommended by several car enthusiasts.  I am told I can pick them up the following Tuesday.  It will be nice to finally get the seats done.

Don't forget, Hot August Nights in Reno, NV is our next car show and we hope to have the Corvette done for that event.  Dennis and Annette K will also be going and they intend to bring their 57 Chevy Nomad.  Should be a fun event.

Thanks for watching.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cool Desert Nights - 2013

What a great day.  We arrived at 6 am and found the grassy area 80% full.  We set up in a spot close to our usual location.  This year it was the Corvette, the Schwinn, Gerri and I.  Dennis and Annette K were in Las Vegas and weren't able to join us.

This was the first day we saw the car in full sunlight and I have to say it was stunning.  Early in the morning the car favored the color purple but by high noon it was blue as blue can be.

People admired the car all day long and comments were non-stop.  The most asked question was, "What color is that?"  Early on we tried to explain all the colors and the process but found later that the best answer was "Cobalt Candy Blue".  Professional painters weren't satisfied with that answer and wanted the details.  Everyone loved the ghosted stripe.

Gerri and I decided the most frequent statements were, "63 Split window, my most favorite car ever" and "That is the most amazing paint job I've ever seen."  Without question we heard those two statements at least a hundred times each.  Comments were non-stop all day long.  I was amazed.  Click on the picture, you'll see.

Max H showed up and it was great to see him.  Max is one of the 5 most frequent visitors to this blog and he does it from half way around the world.  He was suffering from 12 hours of jet lag.

Just because it's beautiful.

700 cars showed up for Cool Desert Nights this year.

CDN was full-on with great participation.

This was Gerri's favorite.  The teardrop was awesome.


Now this is purple.

Gerri took this picture.  Look close and you'll see our Corvette.

On a sour note I have to tell you we developed an oil leak at #7 cylinder.  It's fouling the plug and smoking out the left side pipe.  My suspicion is a bad or missing valve stem seal.  It's not a big deal but it wasn't something I expected.  I'll start investigating the issue in a few days.

I started feeling bad then I saw this poor guy showing off his quad ride.  I am much better now.  

The car isn't done so this won't be the last post.  I am going to target Hot Summer Nights in Reno instead.  That's a couple months away and that gives me enough time to complete the interior.   Next post won't be for a couple weeks though.  I am having foot surgery Tuesday and I'll need a little time before I can start working on the car again.  See you in a few weeks.

Thanks for watching.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cool Desert Nights 2013 - DQ

Gerri had her first ride in the Corvette last night.  She took a short video I thought you might enjoy.

Brant and Peggy  M thought they'd do a parody.  I like it!

Brant and Peggy M being funny

Upholstery pieces will not arrive from Al Knoch Interiors until next Tuesday.  What I am using are  the refurbished seat frames with red seat pads from our dining set.   It's interesting that nobody disapproved.  Everybody recognized the interior as a work in progress.

Half of the cars at tonight's Dairy Queen Show & Shin came in caravan.  This is a video of some of those cars arriving.

The turnout was about half as many as last year.  Drizzle was the culprit.

We had a nice spot directly across from Dairy Queen.

Response to the car was amazing,  They loved the split window, they loved the fuel injection, and they even liked the Heater Delete option.  But by far the most comments were about the paint job.

Noteworthy comments included:
That is my most favorite car ever!
Can I shake your hand please?  That's amazing!
I love the racing stripe.
What color is that?  It's beautiful.
That is a sweet little Stingray.
This is the best car here,  no kidding.
This is nicer than the other one (there were 2 - 63's last night)

Most of the cars stayed until 8:30 pm even though it drizzled all night.

Here's a unique tail gate.  Key chains galore.

Lots of nice cars.

Matt P would have  liked this ride.

Gerri said it even looked good all wet.  I agree.

Saturday is the main feature Show & Shine.  DQ was only a teaser.  I'll post pictures on Sunday so be sure to check back in a couple days.

Wish you were here Ty enjoying the fruits of our labor.

Max, welcome home.  See you Saturday.